Monday, March 30, 2009

Mature black

Welcome to mature black

Unforgettable Cum Bath!

Unforgettable Cum Bath!

Well, this is interesting.

An article from Time magazine in 1951 about the then-younger generation - by their math, young adults born 1923 - 1933. Monday, Nov. 05, 1951THE YOUNGER GENERATION IS it possible to paint a portrait of an entire generation? Each generation has a million faces and a million voices. What the voices sa...

Read the full post from Ramblings of a Conuly


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39 y.o. blonde teaches gal whores' tricks

39 y.o. blonde teaches gal whores' tricks

STOLEN MEME THINGY. Hetalia style. ► North Italy (Vargas Feliciano) [ ] You were bullied a lot in your childhood. [x] You adore pasta, pizza, cheese, and fruit. [x] You're very happy-go-lucky. [ ] You constantly have a dozy look on your face as if you're always away with the fairies. [ ] You have a ...

Cum hungry mature eating dick

Cum hungry mature eating dick

(No Title)

I saw WATCHMEN last night. If this reads a little funny, it's because it's written in places in response to Kovac's reactions on VV. Let's cut to the chase - no pun intended. Zack Snyder has the emotional maturity of an 11 year old boy. The source material is so powerful that it shines through despi...

Read the full post from I will sing your fears,

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